What for?

The Motto Studio API is the API that allows Creating, Reading, Updating and Deleting resources in Motto. It is meant to be accessed only by trusted users or machines as it enables potentially destructive operations.

If you are looking for an API to integrate into your end-user facing products, have a look at our Content Delivery API.

If you prefer using gPRC over REST, we support the gRPC-compatible Connect protocol. That API reference can be found here.


To authenticate with our Studio API, please use a standard Authorization: Bearer XYZ HTTP header. To retrieve your actual Bearer token (which is a Java Web Token), sign in to the Motto Studio and then visit this page. There, you will find the secret API token belonging to the account that you are signed in to.

Currently, service accounts aren’t supported, but they are being considered for development.

Access control

Our Studio API works with a fine-grained access control system inspired by the IAM system of Google Cloud Platform. For more details, please continue reading here.

Rate limits

Our Studio API enforces rate-limits on a per-endpoint, per-service and global basis. If you are worried that these rate limits may be too restrictive for your use-case, please reach out, so we can discuss increasing the rate limits for your particular situation.