Several Motto services use the concept of labels. Labels are key-value pairs that can be attached to resources like assets, and are useful for organizing and filtering resources.


A label is a key-value pair, meaning that it takes on the following format: key: value


Labels can be generated by the system or by the user.

System-generated labels are automatically applied to resources by Motto services. An example of this is when a full mp4 recording of a live-stream is created as an asset; in that case, the system will typically associte labels like video_id: 55WnoMqEGNO0QlmLG3ADS to the asset.

User-generated labels are applied by anyone using the Studio or the API. These labels can be used to organize resources in a way that makes sense to the user, and can be any key-value pair, as long as it does not clash with system-reserved keys.