
Motto offers geo-blocking protection rules as a way to prevent your end-users from viewing your content from regions where you may not have the rights to publish it.

Get Started

Currently, geo-blocking is available through the API; the Studio will be updated soon to support this feature.

To enable geo-blocking, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a video protection ruleset with the geo_restrictions_allow or geo_restrictions_disallow array populated (not both). Each element should contain a two-character country code following the ISO 3316-1 alpha-2 standard, e.g. US or FR. These country codes represent where a viewer is (or is not) allowed to watch from, respectively.
  2. Attach a video to the ruleset you created in step 1. You can attach as many videos as you’d like to a single ruleset, so you do not have to create a new ruleset for each video.

You may change these settings at any time, even while a stream is already live. New rules will take roughly one minute to lodge. However, users already viewing your stream may not be affected until they reload the page or app.


Once geo-blocking has been turned on, your end-users in disallowed countries will no longer be able to view your playlist when attempting to play it. Instead, the stream resource will throw a 4xx HTTP status code.

The Content Delivery API also performs a geo-blocking check, and will return an error upon trying to retrieve a playlist URL for playback. If the Motto video player is being used, a visual error will also appear to clarify the issue to your end-user.

Next Steps

Have a look at any of the other rights protection features that Motto offers: